Creating a New Project

Use this workflow if you are starting a project from scratch. If you need to work on a project that already has an established Git repository and staging server, use the Existing Projects workflow.

1. Pre-Build Checklist

Complete the Pre-Build Checklist: This checklist will walk you through adding a new project to Local. The answers you record in this form will allow other developers on our team to collaborate with consistent Local environments.

2. Install Starter Theme

Download the latest copy of our Starter Theme to the WordPress themes directory and install any dependencies by running the following command:

composer install && yarn

3. Set up Git Repository

Before proceeding, be sure to add our standard .gitignore and workflows to your project. The .gitignore file should be placed at the root of your project's repository and workflows for GitHub Actions need to be placed inside of a .github/workflows/ directory.

For more information on how we use and configure these workflows, check the Deployments page.

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin [replace with remote repository URL]
git push -u origin main

After the initial repository is created, switch to a new dev branch.

git checkout -b dev
git push origin dev

Set dev as the default branch in GitHub and continue development!
